Greetings from the North West

Hi all,

the Tassievore Challenge blog posts and social media are coming at you from the North West of the State this week. (Though I am sure the North and South will not keep any juicy news from you!)

What’s going on up here??

We are gloriously spoilt up here sandwiched between Bass Straight and bountiful paddocks full of lush produce. Last week I was privileged to speak at one of the first Food Strategy Networking meetings, attended by 30 + locals all with an interest in growing, selling, living in sustainable Tassie ways.


 Guest speakers included Catherine Stark from Seven Sheds Brewery, Tony O’Neil from Cradle Coast Olives, Eliza and Guy from Mt Gnomon Farm and fab Central Coast Council Mayor Jan Bonde -because this group is being led by The Central Coast Council.

There were cafe owners (Thirty Three Cups, Pier 01– who hosted the event), a local feijoa grower, Ashgrove Cheese, Brandsema Tomatoes, local gourmet food tour operators….it was quite a room!

I got to put on my Tassievore Challenge hat (but couldn’t help but talk a little bit of Produce to the People).  Let’s just say there was a lot of love in the room for the whole notion of eating local for the next six months and beyond!

Hopefully we will have a list of NW producers on show very soon.

Cheers for now, and grow, gather, give!
